Most Important: Your domain name (web adress) must be short, catchy and easy to remember.
When your target market is international, it is best to regsiter a (TLD) domain name like .com, .net etc... When targeting the local market, it is best to buy CO.ZA domain names. A country level domain name (ccTLD) indicates to your customers in which country you are located and which market you serve.
Domain Name Registration Dont's
- Do not use long words that are difficult to spell.
- Do not use misspellings.
Domain Name Do's
Try keep your domain name to less than 10 characters.
When not using your company name, always select a term that is closely associated with your product or service. e.g, etc.. Selecting a domain name that is associated with your product has many benefits. Search engines place a very high degree of importance on domain names that match search terms. Thus if a person is searching for cars, the probability of a website with the domain or of displaying near the top of the search results is very high. Click here to read more about more important factors to consider when you register a website name.
You can select your company name as your website adress but you do not have to. If your company name is very long, you can shorten it or use abreviations, however when doing this ensure that the adress is easy to remember, e.g Sample Corporation = Sample Software = etc... Acronyms for your companies name are also a suitable option.
Be creative when selecting a domain name. Think of positive characteristics that describe your business and incorporate them into your domain name. e.g The letters "i" and "e" are also commonly used in domain names e.g,
Use a thesarus for alternative meanings to words to assist you when pondering a domain name. e.g cheap = bargain =; fast = quick = etc...