How to Register a Domain Name.
In order to register a domain name it is neccesary to query the "whois" database. This database contains a complete list of alldomain registration worldwide that exists on the internet at any given time. Type your desired domain name in the search box we have provided, and our system will connect with the whois database and check to see if that domain is already regsitered.
If it is registered, you will have to type in another desired domain name and check too see if it is available. Once you have found a suitable name, follow the order process to purchase it.
Once purchased, all rights are transferred to you or your company. Inorder to secure your domain name indefinately, you will have to renew it every 12 months. We will notify you in advance via email when your domain is up for renewal.
Note: .edu Domain names are reserved for educational institutions. In order to register a .edu domain name, you will have to provide some additional information and follow the procedure at educause.edu. Click here to register a .edu domain name.
Inorder to check if a particular .edu domain is available, you can search the .edu Whois database. Click here to search the database.
What is a domain name?
A domain name is a unique name that identifies your website e.g microsoft.com. Every website must have a unique domain name. Every domain name has a suffix that indicates which level domain it belongs to.
Country code top-level domain (ccTLD)
A country code top-level domain (ccTLD) is an Internet top-level domain used
for a specific country. E.g .co.za. represents Domain Names for South Africa. Generally speaking, anyone can
register a ccTLD regardless of where they live. Recently however, some countries
now require that your company have a physical presence in that country.
Top Level Domains (TLD)
There are only a limited number of such domains. For example: .com, .net, .org,
.name, .info, .biz, .edu. These domains are generic in the sense that they
do not refer to any specific region or country. Anyone can register a top
level domain, regardless of whcich country thee reside in or which country
their website targets. there are however some specific rules regarding .edu
and .gov domain names.