SEO Guide

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A Beginners Guide to Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

What is SEO?

Potential customers enter search terms and phrases (e.g. buy watches) into a search engines (e.g. Google, Yahoo). Google then displays the relevant results based on the search term. Search engines utilize complex algorithms (long calculations based on variables and parameters) to search your pages in order to determine if your site suits the search terms. Then based upon their algorithm they place a level of importance on your site in relation to the search term and other sites targeting the same search term and accordingly output your sites link in their results in the order determined by importance relative to the search term/phrase.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the process of utilizing various tools and techniques in designing a website and laying out its architecture that is condusive to attaining a top serach engine placement for a targeted keyword.

A site that utilizes SEO techniques and follows the guidelines and recommendations as layed out by the major search engines, is called a search engine friendly web site. Search engines utilize bots that crawl the web, reading and caching the content of websites. These bots are known as spiders. The basic idea of a search engine friendly site is that it must be designed in a way that the spider can easily find all the pages and easily determine the subject matter of each page.

Ultimately the search engines goal and responsibility is to deliver the best content to their customers based on the specific keywords or keyword phrases that are being queried. Thus sites with the best and most valuable content relating to a particular search term are displayed at the top of the search results. There are a number of approved techniques that can be utilized in order to show the search engine that your site is a quality site and that the information on a particular page relates to the targeted search terms/phrase.

Conversely there are a number of techniques that are frowned upon by the search engines and can result in your website being banned forever from their search results.

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