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Website Tracking Statistics:

Reviewing your websites tracking stats will assist you in fine tuning your website and internet marketing campaign to increase the traffic to your site. A good tracking program will offer the following valuable stats:

1. The amount of time your site visitors spent surfing your website.
2. Which of your visitors are returning visitors and which are first time visitors?
3. Which search engines they used to find your site?
4. What keywords they used to find your site.
5. Which website they were on when they clicked your link and found your website.
6. Visitor graphs.
7. Detailed visitor information re: browser type, screen resolution, OS, ISP and country of origin.
8. Graphs displaying volume of traffic your website receives versus time of day.
9. Detailed search engine information and comparison statistics.

Benefits of web stats:

Gathering information about your visitors will help you analyze visitor behavior and allow you to make informed decisions about what actions to take regarding the improvement your website architecture and marketing efforts. Visitor statistics are indispensible in gauging the success of your marketing efforts, by determining which search engines are sending you traffic and which keywords people are utilizing, and will assist you in tweaking your SEO campaign to improve your performance for certain keywords on the various search engines. In today's competitive online environment, these stats will help you remain one step ahead of your competitors. Web stats are an indispensible piece of your overall online website campaign puzzle.

Applying the data:

1. The amount of time visitors spend on your website. - These stats will help you determine if your visitors find your web site content useful and whether your site is structured correctly. See this article on web site layout and content for more info.

2. Which of your visitors are returning visitors and which are first time visitors - A high rate of returning visitors is a good indicator of whether your site visitors find the content of your website valuable. Read this article on how to keep your website visitors coming back for more.

3. Which search engines they used to find your site - Theses statistics will aid you in optimizing your website for search engine queries. You might find that the majority of your website visitors are coming from a particular search engine. This will assist you in optimizing your web page content for search engines that you are missing out on.

4. What keywords they used to find your site - By typing keywords into the search engines search function, surfers are provided with results relevant to their search query. The list of search terms for which your website is displayed, will assist you in determining whether your website is optimized for terms that are relevant to your website content. By analyzing this statistic, you are then able to optimize your web pages for search terms that are more relevant to your site content. Read this article on selecting the correct keywords for more information

5. Which website they were on when they clicked your link and found your website - By placing links to your website on various partner web sites in your industry, you are able to send valuable traffic to your site for relevant keywords that match your site content.

6. Detailed visitor information - By comparing these stats to the amount of time people spend on your site, will aid you in determining if your web site is displaying correctly in the various browsers and screen resolutions. Read this article on how various browsers and screen resolutions affect the viewing of your website.

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