Custom Web Design

Custom Web Design
A Beginners Guide to Website Design .
Web Site Design - Content and Layout.
Marketing Strategies for the Web Site Designer.
Web Designer - Free Resouces and Tools
A Beginners Guide to Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
Advertising your Site with Google Adwords.
Custom Web Site Design

We have a team of highly skilled project managers, web designers and program developers; all with many years of experience in web design. Our programming areas of expertise include: HTML, CSS, XHTML, PHP, MySQL and JavaScript.

Our main focus is website development. We will build you a simple one page web site or a complex online enterprise solution and advise you in all aspects of the web design process, including web site marketing and search engine optimization.

We work with you to document the scope of a project in full detail, until we arrive at a good understanding of the project outline and a workable solution. We will then deliver an unambiguous quote specifying all the project details. Once all parties concerned agree to the final project details, we will begin the work.

All projects are assigned a project manager who serves as your single point of contact. The project manager will ensure that all process elements are synchronized and executed in a timely manner to meet your expectations. You will have continuous communication with your project manager via telephone, email, Skype or VOIP.

You review each step of the project and approve it before the next step is taken, ensuring a smooth and continuous flow of the project and completion by the specified deadline.

On software IT projects, meticulous documentation ensures consistently high quality of programming at all points in the developmental process.

Prior to launching, all projects are subjected to rigorous testing by both the client and our staff to ensure that all aspects of the program are functioning according to the specifications.

There are a number of fundamental principles that must be adhered to when designing a website. The extent to which these principles are implemented and maintained, will determine the degree of the success of your online venture. Our organization consists of a unique blend of graphic designers, content developers, Internet marketers, IT professionals, hardware specialists and software programmers who work as a well-coordinated team and will ensure that all the fundamental principles of good web design are implemented accordingly. These include:

(a) Loading Speed - The speed with which your website loads is a critical factor in determining your success. Numerous studies have shown that internet surfers are very impatient and will leave your site if it takes too long to load.

(b) Navigation Structure and Content Layout - A website must be structured with a logical flow and must be easy to navigate. A potential customer must be able to access the information they require in the shortest possible time, or they will go elsewhere.

(c) Search Engine Friendly - Did you know that many websites will never be successful due to the way in which their code has been written. An important component of a website's success is its placement in the search results for the various search engines. Getting your site to the top of the search engines results pages is a long and arduous process. However, if the site architecture and code has not been laid out utilizing search engine friendly techniques, then your site will never make it to the top of the search results no matter how much money or time you invest. Today, the internet is packed with sites that have absolutely no chance of ever making it to the top of the search results due to the way they have been coded. In fact, search engine spiders avoid these sites all together resulting in inevitable failure.

Request a quote
The nature of the internet allows us to service clients based throughout South Africa. Please give us a call on 021 4224385 in order to discuss your next project. A project coordinator is standing by to discuss your project requirements and give you a detailed quote.

Alternatively, please download our project specifications sheet and email it back to us at Click here to download.

click here to download the project specifications sheet

click here to ask us a question.

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