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Free Tools

There are many free website tools on the internet to assist a web designer create a great looking and successful website. Below is a selection of our top picks. Use them wisely and we wish you all the very best in your online business endeavors

PIXresizer 2.0.3 (Free Download)

PIXresizer is a photo resizing program that allows you to resize individual images or an entire folder of images with a single click. You can select to resize the width or height of an image, as well as maintain the aspect ratio. There is also the ability to set a minimum width or height of an entire folder of images that you want to resize.

Irfanview Image Editor (Free Download)

Irfanview is a multifunction image editor with the following functions:

- Allows you to remove background colours: This is a very valuable function and will remove the background of any image. This is especially useful when you want to remove the solid background of an image for use on your website

- Convert images to various internet compatible formats: Very useful for converting images into formats that can be used on the internet e.g. jpg, gif, png. Click here to read an article on suitable image formats for your website.

- Optimize images: This function gives you the ability to compress the size of an image so it loads faster on your website.

- Scan and print images.

- Create slide shows: You can select images to place in a slide show which can then be uploaded to your website.

... and many many more functions

Wink (Free Download)

Wink is a screen capture program that will capture the entire content of your monitor. Wink enables you to make live tutorials for your website.

Good Keywords V2 (Free Download)

This is a keyword research tool that will aid you in selecting the optimum keywords for your website. It also offers useful tools such as misspelled words, a keyword phrase builder, site and link popularity checker and a keyword organizer. Click here to read this article regarding the importance of selecting the correct keywords for your online campaign.

Online SEO Tools

SEO chat is by far the best resource for SEO tools. They feature a host of useful tools such as meta-tag analyzers and generators, keyword density analyzers, page comparison tools and a host of other tools. Definitely a good place to start off your SEO campaign. Read this article for an explanation of SEO before you start.

Free Online Colour Picker Tool

This award winning tool will assist you in selecting complementary colours for your website design.

Forum (Free Download)

phpBB forum software allows you to place a forum on your website.

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